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3 Types of Spinal Compression Fractures from a Car Accident in Staten Island

10.14.2022 Brian O'Connor Category: Personal Injury

Staten Island Car Accident Spinal Injuries Lawyer

One of the most anatomically important parts of your body is your spinal cord.  That’s because the spinal cord is the messenger superhighway between your brain (processing center) and the rest of your nerves in your body (peripheral nervous system).  Damage to the spinal cord can affect the way that these messages are sent between the brain and the rest of the body.  Very several damage can even prevent messages from being sent, resulting in paralysis.  Our car accident lawyer in Staten Island knows that one of the most common ways that this can occur is due to a spinal compression fracture.  There are three types of spinal compression fractures from a car accident in Staten Island that everyone should know.  If you have been diagnosed with either of them, call our car accident law firm for help.

Here at the O’Connor Law Firm, our experienced car accident lawyers in Staten Island can help protect victims and their families recover compensation from spinal cord injuries (SCIs) or compression fractures.  We have a proven track record of success, including handling some of the most catastrophic personal injuries resulting in paralysis, permanent disability, and wrongful death.  If you or a loved one suffered any type of serious or catastrophic personal injury, please call our experienced team to learn more about your rights to compensation during a FREE consultation.

Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Column

The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system, which also includes the brain.  The spinal cord is a soft, tubular structure that extends from the base of the brain down to the hips.  The purpose of the spinal cord is to send messages from the brain to the rest of the body, and vice versa.  These messages include movement, sensation, temperature, pressure, moisture, and also strength, as well as other functions.  Thus, the spinal cord helps the brain receive messages to interpret and give a response, as well as the rest of the body to give the brain information to interpret (i.e., this pan is hot, and the brain can send a message to move it).

Specific Parts of the Spinal Cord

The spinal cord itself is very weak.  That is why it is encased in strong bones known as vertebrae.  Each vertebra is small but very strong, and structurally built in such a way to withstand pressure and force upon it.  Hence why the spinal cord is well-protected.

In between vertebrae are a soft but tough cushion disc.  This disc is to allow the spine flexion and a range of movement, but also to prevent the vertebrae to rub against each other and wear or damage themselves.  It is often said that these discs are jelly-like, but they are much tougher than that and more like silicone and stronger, also they have a glutinous sac in the middle that can squeeze in and out in certain situations and impacts.

Not Impervious and Impenetrable

Personal Injury Lawyer in Brooklyn 3 Types of Spinal Compression FracturesAlthough the vertebrae are very strong, and the discs between the vertebrae are strong and cushiony, they are not impervious to damage.  Unfortunately, the vertebrae can be damaged.  Sometimes this damage is localized to the bone, whereas other times the damage can affect the disc (annular tears) or even the spinal cord. 

Damage to the spinal cord could be caused when the disc is pushed inside and impinges on the spinal cord.  Another way that the spinal cord could become damaged is when the bone compressions or fractures into it, also impinging on the spinal canal or even severing or rupturing the spinal cord. 

One of the most common types of injuries to the vertebrae that can affect and damage the spinal cord is called a compression fracture.

What is a Spinal Compression Fracture?

A compression fracture is when a bone is crushed or caves in on itself due to external pressure.  That pressure will “compress” the bone.  In the case of a spinal compression fracture, that is your vertebra that is being compressed.  This is also called a vertebral compression fracture.  A common cause of a spinal compression fracture is a motor vehicle accident, especially a trucking accident, big rig crash, or another type of serious or powerful accident.

3 Types of Spinal Compression Fractures from a Car Accident in Staten Island

There are three common types of spinal compression fractures which could result in serious personal injuries, disability, and catastrophic damage for a person.  The 3 types of spinal compression fractures from a car accident in Staten Island include the following:


Crush Fracture

This is when a fracture occurs throughout the entire vertebra.  It is caused when the bone collapses in on itself equally, meaning that the pressure on the bone is equal in the front, back, and side.  A high-speed impact can cause this type of compression fracture, especially with a large truck.  A crush fracture is usually stable.

Wedge Fracture 

This is the most common compression fracture.  It occurs in the front of the vertebra, leaving that as the crushed area.  The back, however, is not crushed.  This creates a wedge-like shape, where the front is crushed and the back is up.  As a result, it can cause impinge on that side or spinal deformities.  A wedge fracture is usually stable, but it can cause instability in the front or with other vertebrae above and below it. 

Burst Fracture

This is the most violent types of compression fractures to the spine.  It results when the bone shatters in multiple directions and can damage nearby tissue or the spinal cord.  This type of fracture occurs in high-speed and very powerful or catastrophic collisions, often those that are particularly devastating and deadly.  Generally, burst fractures are unstable and require medical intervention.

Call Our Car Accident Law Firm if You Have Any of These 3 Types of Spinal Compression Fractures from a Car Accident in Staten Island

If you or a loved one suffered any type of spinal compression fracture in New York, especially right here in Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Long Island, and in surrounding areas, we can help.  Call to schedule a FREE consultation with our experienced car accident lawyer in Staten Island at the O’Connor Law Firm by dialing (718) 948-3500 or using our “Contact Us” box available here.