Thank You For Requesting Our Free Guide
Your free guide is on its way! You’ve made a smart choice by ordering this information. Not only will it help you deal with understanding the LODI Process, it will also be a great reference guide for you in understanding the types of accidents that may entitle you to bring a personal injury claim.
If you have additional questions about the LODI process, we encourage you to reach out to your District representative. If you would like a free case evaluation to help determine whether your accident may entitle you to bring a claim for personal injuries, please call our office anytime at 718-948-3500.
Please be aware that you have only 90 days from the date of your accident to file a notice of claim with the Department of Education or your claim may be denied.
Again, thank you for ordering your very own copy of our popular NYC Teacher Injury Guide. We look forward to helping you more in the future.
Brian J. O’Connor